Coming Up

Thank Heaven for San Pedro

I guess San Pedro translates as Saint Peter, which is were I am writing from. Were it not for Starbucks I would be sitting at the Yum Yum Donuts getting fat on buttermilk donuts and crappy coffee or at the 7-11 a few blocks down the street responding to emails from my car. Have you…

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Coming Up

No Man is an Island

‘Coming Up” does not mean at the cost of other’s mistakes” ..”For any man’s death deminishes me for I am apart of all mankinde”.    John Donne On China’s Failures and Successes China is well poised to overcome the US on so many levels. Despite this, We Americans need to refocus our energies on education, creativity…

Coming Up

Good News

Today it is a little cold outside here in the Valley yet according to the latest news, the ice caps continue to melt at unprecedented rates and we have the hottest temperatures on record in the northern hemisphere. I also read that our nation is on the verge of economic collapse and bombs killed top officials…

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Coming Up


Consider the movement of river or stream. At times it is still and at other times is like a roaring lion. What’s interesting is that regardless of it’s appearance, the river holds the same energy.  What causes the river to increase it’s speed has more to do with the angle in which it is flowing and…

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Recent News

Coming Up

Finding Your Keys

TO FIND YOUR KEYS IT JUST MIGHT BE NECESSARY TO LOSE THEM “…Our fate lies within us. We just have to be brave enough to find it.” From the Movie Brave Not too long ago my girlfriend, Katie, and I took a weekend trip to Carlsbad, a little beach town a few miles North of San Diego…

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Live – Learn and Love

Home is where I Am I moved this passed weekend. Can’t say it was fun, but it is nice that I am out of that dusty old apartment.  I think I sneezed a zillion times. My new place is dust free thanks to my wonderful girlfriend. She loves a spotless place and has worked hard…

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