Coming Up

Be Who You Is Because if you Be who you Aint, you Aint Who You Is

Be the Black sheep or black whatever, but whatever you decide to be, be what it is that allows you to be who you are and what you are. Nothing is so true or so complete.

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Why it’s time for a Trump revolution

// Reprinted from the New York Times By Michael Goodwin VIEW AUTHOR ARCHIVE EMAIL THE AUTHOR FOLLOW ON TWITTER GET AUTHOR RSS FEED March 19, 2016 | 10:30pm My friends are worried about me. They insist something is not right and suggest prayer, counseling, even rehab. “Take a break,” they urge. “Get away for a…


Random Emails

// Hi Dear, how are you today I hope that everything is OK with you as it is my great pleasure to contact you in having communication with you starting from today, i was just going through the Internet search when i found your email address, I want to make a very new and special…

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Weird Science

Earth Is Made Up Of Two Planets, Say Scientists

// A ‘violent, head-on collision’ between Earth and a developing planet called Theia formed the planet that we live on today and also created the moon, according to new research. A ‘planetary embryo’ called Theia, thought to be around the same size as Earth or Mars, collided with Earth 4.5 billion years ago with the…

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Recent News

3 silly faces
Coming Up Magazine

The Theory of Rock

The Theory of Rock Rock Music – A rhythmic emphasis on melodic progression to a percussive point, with consistent harmonic reinforcement. Rock Theory: All music as rock and roll (the “optimal” genre) Its categories are subdivided as follows, with the primary twin branching examples, culminating in its traditional incarnation, followed by an artist signifying the…

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Coming Up Resources and Library

  LA Blogs Amateur Chemist Aquarium Drunkard Binary Buddyhead City of Devils Classical Geek Theatre Downtown Lobby Feed Your Head FMLY Free Bike Valet Funny Ha Ha Grimy Goods Illiot Gould Inflight At Night IROM L.A. Record L.A. Slush L.A. Times – Pop & Hiss LA Music Blog LA Underground LA Weekly – West Coast…

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Lady Who?

If you listened to her sing the night of the Oscars then you know this girls has talent. Lady Gaga also has talent when it comes to transformation. Does she do all this on her own or does she have help? It does not matter. After all, we are all the net sum of all we…

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Truth behind Thanksgiving

After the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth in 1620 on the Mayflower,they almost starved to death. Members of a local tribe, the Wampanoag, helped the newcomers, showing them how to plant corn and other local foods. In the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims celebrated their first successful harvest with a three-day feast with the Wampanoag. The…

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Robot Car Drones

 It does not take you too long to figure out the many uses for this cool new remote control military vehicle. Riot control, border patrol, parking lot monitoring, school sentry, the potential uses for these smart cars on steroids is endless. The Guardian shown here was used in the recent middle east conflict along the border of…

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Weird Bumps in the Night

Along with Bigfoot, the abomnibal snowman, UFO’s and poltergeist, “strange sounds” is also an interesting topic to search out on the internet. If you are not familiar with this very strange phenomenom, check this video out and then do some of your own “armchair” research on the subject. It’s some very freaky shit. Have fun!

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