“Music and art inspire us. They can move us to tears. They should move us to action. This is Troublemaker hip-hop”. Ahmen
They say it’s far harder to frown than it is to smile and we are dam convinced it’s a hell of a lot harder to write music and and poetry with a positive message than a negative one – especially in light of current events. That said, positive hip hop artist Ahmen must be one of the strongest men to come up on the music scene in quiet a while. The track and new music video “Our Time,” offers an inspirational message of hope that people, when united, can work together to solve racial and social conflict in modern America.
The song is rich in lyrics and deep in meaning and is beautifully choreographed with between Ahmen and powerful background singer Jos J who’s choruses and hooks compel the hardest of listeners to believe in the power of love and unity.
“Our Time” features is the first single from Ahmen’s forthcoming album, due out later this summer.
Please share this song with your friends and family and do your part in stopping the violence.
#besomebody #troublemaker